Body surrender.

Surrender myself to my body,
connect and re-connect again and again,
inch by inch, deeper and deeper layers.
He knows all things,
he knows what my mind cannot grasp.
Unlocking the keys to open the doors inside me.

Little steps, slow steps,
each of which counts beyond the imaginable.
However long these (re-) births may be,
I am whole, and
I am becoming.
Love, I and I.


©steve sniukas

No settling

Keep those standards high,
and someday I’ll attract,
that which I emit.

Love like the sun,
shine like the rainbow,
falling leaves nourishing fresh fruit.

The cycles of life,
the circles of life,
Spiralling through.

Shedding skins like a snake,
detach to connect,
each layer going up in flames.

Fuel the fire to rise,
to keep on rising,
burn away everything not aligned.


©steve sniukas

The Ideal

The highest ideal of light and love;
to get there through the human experience.

I have to go through it all,
the highest peaks,
the deepest lows.

I need to embrace it all,
in love.
Feel it all and transmute it all,
into love.

No denying any of it.
Therein lies abundance,
therein lies freedom.

The ability to take it all;
the joy and the pain,
the happiness and the sadness,
all the contradictions,
everything we could possibly experience,
experiencing our Selves,
welcome it all in love,

Turn it all into love.


©steve sniukas

the Big Bang - WOW

So much more coming than I can imagine.
If someone had told me,
I would not have believed,
yet here I am:

Seeing, feeling, believing,
shattered dreams and perceptions,
only to be reimagined beyond the conceivable.

The illusion of who I thought I was,
who I made myself to be,
fragments of a broken image
coming into a fluid picture,
more than the pieces put together,
clear as day,
steady as a rock,
yet in motion,
like the water, reflecting,
expanding into sweet embrace,
so real it’s surreal.

Shedding skins, ripping them open,
striding out of illusions,  
lifting layer upon layer,
stepping up and out,
this beautiful being,
(Forever) expanding;

the Big Bang.


©steve sniukas


What a place to be alive,
inside your Self.

Once you discover the bliss
of falling, of being in love,
when there is no one around.

Homemade bliss,
in your temple
the garden shines,
a fountain of crystal light,
leaves flowing in pale, intense, warm blue,
a hue beyond words.

When there is nothing left but the rawness of life,
feeling it all,
shaken to the core,
split open,
your fire ignites,
spills out of you like water.

You have to feel it, to see it,
coming in and out of your Self,
a dream within a dream.

Dreamlike, only so much clearer,
so far away and yet more present than ever.


( how can you capture an essence, so deep, so pure?
you could spend lifetimes trying to describe it,
to show it in some way, shape or form.
but once you have tasted it,
you are peace, you are love,
you are life, alive.
the only way is to live that poem, as fully as possible.
It’s when death and rebirth begin to make sense.)

©steve sniukas


The veil lifting,
layer upon layer.
The world looks different when you change.

Let go and the pieces fit,
make it through the mud and blood,
come out clean on the other side.

Stillness in motion,
Silence in sound,
remember who you are.

No need to become what you already are,
just remember, and you are.
Light and peace, an open heart.

Shine bright, shine dark,
you are it all,
you are nothing and everything, condensed into one.

Can you feel the vastness, of it all,
of all the universes beating in your heart,
you are.


©steve sniukas  

Bring it on

Pulsating light,
an eye batting,
changing colour with each blink
purple heart in a red and yellow iris,
red in purple and yellow,
various shades of green in yellow,
yellow folding into a circle of red and purple,
and so on and on…

Each flash a different meaning,
all telling me to carry my heart on high,
open and proud,
I am me,
and at that,
you won’t beat me.
Bring in all your war drums for all I care.

No match for the cosmic family
standing behind me,
lions and dragons,
kings and queens,
here we are, here I am,
roaring, rising,
breathing fire.


©steve sniukas


Where do we go from here?

A waterfall into the ground,
under the sea,
at the same time,
a deep dark night sky,
a bright light on the horizon,
in the depth.

Swallows me whole,
down I go,
into a fire,
which propels me up again.

Fire and water as one,
the fire not evaporating the water,
the water not extinguishing the fire.
They are one and the same,
one going down,
one going up,
and in between; life.

In all colours and beyond,
in all shapes and beyond,
neither linear,
nor non-linear,
outside of time.
What happens, already occurred,
and will only come to be.


©steve sniukas

Wrapped up.

Serene Calm,
wrapped in your warmth,
softly sinking into my skin,
into my flesh.
Golden rainbow moving through my mind,
liquid air that I breathe through my skin,
warm embrace from the inside out.

Opening deeper and deeper,
as you pull the scars out of me,
faint memories of a distant past,
a distant path,
left behind,
to be uncovered and released,
all these years later,
to be released now and here,
the path through time,
more so than
the path through space.

Here, over and over again,
a symphony without sound,
a painting without an image,
all so present it cannot be held,
all so far it cannot be let go,
it’s all and nothing, all at once,
hard as a rock and liquid in one,
clear as day, shrouded in darkness,
it’s all and nothing.


©steve sniukas

Is it you?

Standing on a mountain,
atop a waterfall,
dreamlike state, half in and half out,
beauty already beyond words,
ready to flow down into the thick of it.

And then it appears,
kaleidoscope city,
geometry woven into nature,
geometry woven out of nature,
is this you?

Flowing in the thickest rainbow colours,
weaving yourself, out of yourself.
you can feel the harmony,
everything in perfect stillness,
everything in perfect motion,
like a dream within a dream,
within a dream, sweet embrace.

Three levels down,
three levels up,
and the heart of it,
is this you?

A glimpse and I knew,
may I come inside you,
may I be you,
may you be me,
flow through and out of me,
as we become one and the same.
is this you,



©steve sniukas

The fire and the tree

Fire swept through the skies,
fire swept through the earth,
clearing all the debris,
transmuting storms into fertile grounds,
chaos into perfect harmony,
for the tree to spring from.

Roots down to the core of everything,
Roots up to the source of everything,
almost like two trees,
but it’s just the one,
the crown in the heart.
the union of heaven and hell,
roots from each,
creating paradise in the middle.

A perfect balance;
the harmony in which we can thrive,
the harmony in which we can shine,
it’s neither here nor there,
it’s here and there.

The seed that is the tree,
the tree that is the seed,
the fire that holds the water,
the water that holds the flame,
in such balance that
together they shine,
together they feed the tree.
Split awareness, meeting to become one.


©steve sniukas

Growing ∞

It keeps on going, growing,
it’s a long journey home to myself.
it’s a hard journey, but so rewarding,
so many treasures lying here,
waiting to be discovered.

Such treasure, such pleasure,
unlike anything I have ever felt and seen,
gold and jewels, no matter how shiny,
sex, no matter how tantric,
how deep it may have seemed at the time,
it all pales.
nothing but the source begins to compare.

Three years and counting, no more,
yet time no longer matters,
place no longer matters,
it’s all just here and now,
beyond the stories,
beyond the books and places.

The vastness, the space, the beauty, the wealth,
it’s all inside.
not held, not kept.
the more I let it flow out
the more it comes in.
growing infinite.


©steve sniukas


A taste of my own strength,
a taste of what I am capable of.
sweet mother Mary,
just getting started.

Now let’s see how far,
how close to that city of light
I can get,
it’s calling me.

Packing the destruction, packing the creation,
of many an atom bomb.
Shedding layer after layer
until there is only the bright core.

Unleash the lion with the dragon wings,
eagle eyes, and the scorpion’s tail.

Purity shining, breathe in the earth,
breathe in the sun,
exhale the healing fire,
free to be, free to heal.

No more hiding,
no more holding back,
what will burn , is meant to burn.
step up, or step out.

©steve sniukas

Touch, Feel, Live.

The beauty of your touch,
feeling the colours of the rainbow
through your fingers,
flowing over my skin, through my body,
embraced and held by the sun,
without being burnt.

No expectations, and yet all is welcome,
as if wrapped in silk,
in front of a fire.
Homey as home can be, can feel.

And it’s all in me,
rising through me,
from the root to the crown,
and back down.

No place to go,
no place to be,
except me.

Wrapped in sweet embrace,
welcome in an open heart
unbound together.

A different and new kind of intimate,
intimacy not bound by rules,
but rooted in consent.
a deeper, freer and simultaneously higher
form of sensuality.

Beautiful beyond measure,
beautiful beyond pleasure.
so freeing, liberating beyond the once conceivable.
flowing through and through.

Welcome to this body,
at last my soul is home.
at least for this life time.

Words won’t come close,
the true poetry lies in the touch,
in the sensations it evokes
as I fully surrender, welcome it all.


©steve sniukas


Freedom to be me,
without trying to please,
no need to receive,
what doesn’t flow my way.

Opening new avenues
of perception,
new ways of pleasure,
new ways to please,
new ways to give, freely.

The highest of expectations,
only of myself,
sharing all I’ve got to give,
with those that are ready to receive.

However few they may be,
however many come knocking,
this tree stands strong and tall
deeply rooted,
and yet free to go as I please,
when there is no welcome to be found.  

Roots down to the core,
roots up to the source,
leaves and flowers,
all over,
all the colours of the rainbow and then some.

Just a stranger in a strange land,
just a stranger on a stranger planet.

©steve sniukas

Feel you, becoming Me. (part II)

So many memories stored in this body.
so deep in every part,
old and new,
good and bad,
helpful and hindering,
highest of joy,
deepest of pains.

It’s all there, somewhere
the key is rediscovery,
access to what’s long been forgotten,
and setting it all free.

To end in peace, to end in now,
however fleeting now may be,
always gone in an instant.
Never to be seen again,
nothing more than a memory
that can mark you
until the end of time.

©steve sniukas

Feel you, becoming me.

Anger, Sadness, Fear and Frustration,
you were festering in me.
Kept you locked up in my core,
so long, so deep.

You served me well,
protected me,
allies, time and again.

But to move on,
I need to release you,
scream you out,
cry you out,
retch you out,
into the void.
As I feel you one last time,
set you and me free.

Let you flow into the sun,
burnt, transmuted,
returned into the source,
to become one.

I thank you now and forever,
to return to life,
I can no longer keep you,
hold on to you.

time has come to become me,
time has come to be more,
time has come to be free.


©steve sniukas

Refuse! Resist!

refuse to accept violence as a viable solution to any problem!
refuse to accept hatred as an acceptable response to anything!
refuse to let terror strike fear into my heart!
refuse to let hatred into my heart!
refuse to let my love and compassion be drowned in blood!
refuse to give up any more freedom under the disguise of security!
resist temptation to follow their lead, to follow their ways!
resist to follow the crowd into revenge!
resist temptation to fuel the hate!
resist to follow into violence for it will foster nothing more!
I know I can do better, and I know, so can you!
Should you choose to!