
Helping out...

When I offer to help someone out, I find it quite natural to do what I offered.. I find it bewildering however when I tell someone about a problem I have, they offer me to take care of it and then just don't.  (mind you I did not ask them for their help, no they just offered it) Since the help was voluntarily offered I figured I could count on it. Seems nowadays that principle no longer applies.. So if someone offers to help you out, best to ask another one to do the same, then at least the odds are slightly more in your favor....

social media particularities

one of the most annoying social media trends, to me, is the announcement of an announcement... So you're telling me, a month from saturday last week, you will tell me something about an event that happens two months from next friday... RIGHT.. how about you tell me what you have to announce, when you announce it ?Or what is next ? you'll announce that next year on friday next week, you'll be announcing the announcement of the announcement for a certain event ?